Thursday, October 27, 2011

9/21/2011 It just keeps going downhill

49 days since injury, 16 days since last attempt to run

No running or biking. The elliptical just doesn't do it for me, and I apparently pushed myself too hard on the elliptical yesterday because the pain in my ass is worse. I had stopped drinking for a week, thinking that would help but that just made things worse. Oh yeah, I drink because I'm bored when I am injured. I also watch a lot of tv. I was late for the prediction run (I was going to help with timing) so I said screw it and ended up at Gullifty's. So tonight I treated myself to a pumpkin beer and La Fin de Monde, both 9% alcohol.

Job prospect does not look good. I haven't heard about the recent job I applied to. I should have jumped on the opportunity in May/June when I had it. I need a new game plan and I need to save money so I can get the hell out of here.


  1. Hi Nichole, I was searching for information on this running injury and saw your posts from 2011. How are you now? Hope all recovered and back to running. Very, very frustrating indeed. I developed it while training for a boston qualifier - probably ramped up mileage and speed work too soon. I am strongly suspecting this. If you have a moment, I would like to hear from your experiences.

    1. My problem ended up being a hip alignment and weakness issue. I found a chiropractor who was a runner. She found that my hips were tilted, causing one hip to be stretching my hamstring to the point it caused pain, pain and tightness that was never relieved with hamstring stretching. It turns out that the problem actually originated from tightness in my hip flexors and iliopsoas. I saw her twice a week, where she performed adjustments on my sacroiliac joint, graston on my high hamstring, and active release therapy on my hip flexors and iliopsoas. She also sent me home with iliopsoas stretches and hip strengthening exercises. After 2 weeks I was able to start running again and continued therapy for about 6 more weeks before I was set free. It was a real bitch. Who would have thought that after seeing a sports med dr and 2 months of physical therapy, that a chiropractor would be my savior?
